
Showing posts from February, 2024

More Details...

 My group has discussed more details for filming. It will still happen Sunday. Everyone is available. I don't have any plans. Sean D. called out of work. Sean H. didn't have work. Rhys is able to come but only for 2 hours. Everyone will meet at Ann Colb Nature Center at 10am. Then everyone will walk across the street to a nature trail. There are a lot of scenes to film. Everyone will wear their costumes. This will make the process faster. Hopefully there will be enough time. The only issue will be keeping other people out of the background. If anyone is in a scene that looks good, I will get permission from them to be in the film. If they say no then the scene will be redone. Sean D. and Rhys will be in almost every scene. I am only in a few scenes. I play two roles in the scenes being filmed. Hopefully there will be enough time to finish the film before Rhys has to leave. 

Nothing to do...

 There is nothing else to do. This week feels like a waste of time. Since filming cannot happen until Sunday, there is nothing else to do this week. I cannot even do a peer review because there is not enough film to review. I wish my group could film sooner so the project could be completed. After filming, it will still need to be edited. Only then can I get a peer review. Until then, there is nothing else to do. I have baseball practice every day this week. The only day I don't have practice is Friday. That's because I have a game. I am keeping busy all week. I just don't like that I cannot finish this film sooner. My group feels the same way. Everyone wants to be done with this project. Only a few more days until filming. Then, Rhys said he would help to film. This is very crucial to the project. Rhys has been super helpful for this project. His acting and now editing plays huge roles in the final project. 

A Change

 Today my group decided to finish filming on Sunday. This is the only information that has been decided. No time is set. I don't know how much time there will be. Today I have a baseball game. Hopefully my team will win. I also decided to do something that I am hoping wont be noticed in the film. I got another haircut. This one was different though. I shaved it all off. I got a buzz cut. I had promised one of my friends that if he did it I would do it. He got his buzz cut so I had top get mine. I am hoping no one will notice it in my film. My hair was super long so I don't know how well I can hide it. The back of my head looks completely different. I will try to show it as little as possible. That will be very hard. I told my ground so everyone knows. I will see what I can do to minimize this. 

Back to Planning

 My group is back to finding plans. Filming was not completed so another day is required. This time it will be at a park near my house. Everyone will meet there. The process of planning a filming day is always difficult. I think next Sunday will have to work. No one is working and I do not have any games. Hopefully this will be good for everyone. I can bring my costume to film and so can Sean. Rhys will also have to come since he is one of the main actors. It will probably take longer because there are more scenes. This is a problem because there is less time. I will try to find a way to make it work since it is by my house. Hopefully Rhys can move his plans to be a different day so there will be more time. If he cannot there might even need to be a third day to film. I hope it does not come to that. I know I will be free all day. Sean H. said he would be free all day. Sean D. said he could call out of work. Lets just hope Rhys can come through so filming can be completed. 


 Today my group started filming. I had practice in the morning. After practice, I had to get a haircut. Once I was finished, I went home and met my group mates. Everyone met at my house as planned. For the first few minutes, it was hard to get everyone to focus. After that, everyone realized we had to be serious. I acted in a few of the scenes and Rhys acted in the ones that I wasn't in. Sean D. didn't really have to do anything. Sean H. was filming. A lot of the time was spent trying to decide how the scenes would be set up. I also had to find parts of my costume. I had to get props for Sean's costume as well. This took more time than expected. Along with all this, I had to find somewhere to put my dog. He kept getting in the way of the shots. After a while, I just locked him outside for a little until filming was done inside. Then I locked him inside so filming could happen outside. After about 2 hours, filming was completed at my house but there were still scenes that ne


      My group finally started to actually plan a timeline for filming. Sean H. came up with the idea to film on Saturday. This day worked for everyone so it was set in stone. Everyone would meet at my house to film on Saturday. This was because my house had places to film each scene necessary. Sean D. will bring a friend to help us act in the film. Sean H. will bring costumes for the film. Everyone will meet at my house to film at 2. I have practice in the morning so I cannot film until the afternoon. I also have to get a haircut so I won't be home until even later than usual. This was the best time for the group top film. I will be one of the actors and so will Sean D. Another actor will be a friend of my group named Rhys. He will be helping the group with acting. This makes life a lot easier when trying to film. He is available more often than anyone so filming will move quickly. Everyone is available Saturday so it will be the perfect day to start. If filming isn't finished


      My group is supposed to start filming tomorrow. Sean H. will meet me at my house with a camera. Sean D. will pick up Rhys to help act in the film. I will also be a main actor in the film. I will play multiple roles in the film. Sean D. will also have a role in the film. Sean H. is doing most of the filming so he will not be acting in the film. The filming process should take a while. I do not think we will finish filming tomorrow. This means that we will have to pick another date to film. This will be determined tomorrow. If filming is not completed, my group will pick a new date to finish filming. Each member will have to agree on a date to miss work or practice. Hopefully filming will be mostly completed tomorrow. That will make this a lot easier for everyone. Sean H. is bringing me a costume for one of my roles in the film. I will be playing two different roles. To make this look better, I will have multiple costumes. This will make my multitude of roles more subtle. All that&


      My group has officially entered the stage of production in which filming should begin. The only problem with this is that some members of the group have been busy. Finding a day to film is very difficult with three people. Sean H. always has work so he needs to plan weeks in advance to take days off. Sean D. also has work so each of them would need to get approved for the same day off. I have baseball practice every day of the week as well which means I am busy a lot as well. The season also just started meaning I will also have games and I'll get home even later. My first game was yesterday. My team lost but it looks like a promising team for the season. I have three games a week on most weeks. Along with this, I have practice every day there isn't a game. My practices don't end until around six, which is too late to then start filming. The only days filming makes sense is weekends. Saturday afternoons are best. Sundays could also work but a lot of times my groupmate