Nothing to do...

 There is nothing else to do. This week feels like a waste of time. Since filming cannot happen until Sunday, there is nothing else to do this week. I cannot even do a peer review because there is not enough film to review. I wish my group could film sooner so the project could be completed. After filming, it will still need to be edited. Only then can I get a peer review. Until then, there is nothing else to do. I have baseball practice every day this week. The only day I don't have practice is Friday. That's because I have a game. I am keeping busy all week. I just don't like that I cannot finish this film sooner. My group feels the same way. Everyone wants to be done with this project. Only a few more days until filming. Then, Rhys said he would help to film. This is very crucial to the project. Rhys has been super helpful for this project. His acting and now editing plays huge roles in the final project. 


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