
     My group finally started to actually plan a timeline for filming. Sean H. came up with the idea to film on Saturday. This day worked for everyone so it was set in stone. Everyone would meet at my house to film on Saturday. This was because my house had places to film each scene necessary. Sean D. will bring a friend to help us act in the film. Sean H. will bring costumes for the film. Everyone will meet at my house to film at 2. I have practice in the morning so I cannot film until the afternoon. I also have to get a haircut so I won't be home until even later than usual. This was the best time for the group top film. I will be one of the actors and so will Sean D. Another actor will be a friend of my group named Rhys. He will be helping the group with acting. This makes life a lot easier when trying to film. He is available more often than anyone so filming will move quickly. Everyone is available Saturday so it will be the perfect day to start. If filming isn't finished Saturday, there will be other dated planned for everyone to be available. Next Sunday seems to be another good day to film. It would have to be early though because people are busy. Hopefully my group and I can finish filming within 2 days and make everyone's lives a lot easier. 


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