
Showing posts from December, 2022

CCR - Music Video

This project challenges conventions because in most rap videos, they are entirely dark and rainy and tend to have negative endings whereas my project slowly became more and more positive throughout the video. My video represents the issues minorities have while trying to attend universities and the stereotypes they face every day. In my video, it highlights a person of color going through the recovery process of tearing his ACL. It shows how much work is put into recovery and how difficult it is to get accepted into a university. My product also highlights the stereotype of minorities playing sports and only attending universities because of sports. The video mentions nothing related to academics yet the main character still received a scholarship offer in the end of the video. This represents universities allowing only select members of the minority community acceptance because of their athletic ability. In my video, I highlighted the fact that “Nate” was accepted into a university si

Music Video Final Product

  This is the first music video my group has ever created together. It was the first major filming project I had been a part of as well. Looking back at it, there are many things I could've done better but it did not turn out terrible. I have gained a lot through this process and it helps to know I was able to create something like this with the little knowledge I already had about filming. 

Editing !!

 Today Zane started the editing process. After a long wait, filming is finally complete and editing can begin. He will use Adobe Editing Software for most of the editing and maybe iMovie for the rest. The editing is really easy for him and he enjoys it so I don’t have to do much editing. I’ve tried and asked but he refuses to let me touch editing because he enjoys it. He edited the last video so it was easier for him to just do this one too. When he is done, I will get opinions from other people on what to do better next time. There were new angles in this video that I would like outside opinions on. I will ask a bunch of different people to hopefully get honest opinions. Once reviewing the finally opinions, I can finalize the video for submission. Most of the editing will be done separately because it is easier that way. I cant really help a lot either way so it’s not like Zane will need me for anything. He said he hopes to finish early so he has time to review. I will also review it

Finished Filming !!!

 Today Zane came over and the filming process was finally completed. Zane arrived around 1pm and filming started shortly after. The first scene was easy to film because I didn’t have to leave my room to start. It was a simple shot and took no longer than 3 minutes to finish. The second shot was a bit more difficult seeing as I had to walk a half mile to get to the bench I was filming on. This scene took a little longer but still wasn’t super time consuming. It wasn’t until the 3rd and 4th scenes when stuff started to get harder. Some of the people needed to film were late to my house so I had to wait for them to arrive to start filming. Aside from this, when they finally arrived, it had started raining so I had to wait for it to stop in order to continue filming the next couple scenes. Eventually it did stop but it put a huge delay in the original filming plan. After these scenes it was smooth sailing for the rest of the day. Filming took another hour and then it was finished. Zane has

Finally Started

 Today my group finally started the actual filming process. It took time but it has finally begun. Today I helped fill the first scene at school. It was a super quick scene but it was a start none the less. I am not sure if it is going to make the final cut if the video because it was a test but it is still a start. Zane is going to bring his camera to my house on Saturday and then the real scenes will be filmed. There are still a lot of scenes to be shot so it will still take a decent amount of time. This also takes away a decent amount of time that could be used for studying since midterms are next week. This project is more important though because it is for a grade whereas studying is not as king as you know the material well. The project will come first and then I can find time to study this weekend. I have been really stressed about school but filming with friends is a good way to take my mind off of things. Zane will come over to my house on Saturday and I’ll find places to matc

Practice !!

 I have still not filmed my music video and the deadline is getting closer. I finally set a date for filming this weekend and it got delayed again. The plan was already set and then Zane realized he had practice. I also had practice but I was willing to skip it to film. This project is getting closer and closer to the deadline and it’s beginning to stress me out. I have baseball practice every day of the week except Sundays which makes it a lot harder to film. Zane also has practice for football most days which doesn’t help. My practices last a long time so there normally isn’t time to film before or after. This is starting to become an issue and making the whole project a lot more difficult. Zane has been trying to find a day he can miss practice but it’s not easy. He told me that he could maybe miss practice this week but I’ll have to see. I also have practice all week so it is not as easy as just skipping. Baseball practice really gets in the way of stuff sometimes but I can’t give

Super Helpful.

 Yet again there was a delay in the filming process. I was supposed to film with my group today but I had already made plans. I had already promised a friend that I would help her and her group film their commercial so I was unable to film my own. This is a bit upsetting but not anything I am not prepared for. My group knows and is okay with my issue and the agreement is to film next week. This is convenient because it saves me the stress of holding everyone else back. I had to help my friends film their video because they all needed to be in a scene and they had no one to film. I went to her house and filmed for a couple hours today. I filmed at her house and at a school down the street. The filming was really easy to do even though it took all day. Even though it took all day, I still had a lot of fun filming. My friends and my girlfriend were all there so it was always entertaining. I made sure to eat before hand as well to make sure I didn't get hungry while filming. There were

Thanksgiving !!!

 Zane and I have been trying to start filming but have had zero time to actually go through with it. Thanksgiving was last week so I had to spend time with my family and did not have time to be filming. I had family in town all week and was not able to leave my house. The plan was to film at my house which did not make this any easier for me. Everything was delayed and it really messed up the schedule. As delayed as it got, the music video will still be completed on time and it will be amazing. All the props that are needed have been acquired making the process a bit faster. There were not a lot of props so that part was not very complicated. It did not take a long time nor did it cost a lot which was another bonus. The only issue left to figure out is finding time to complete the filming. The video will still be filmed at my house as of now. The video will most likely be filmed at some point this week. I suggested to maybe film next Wednesday but I am not sure if it will happen. My go