Finally Started

 Today my group finally started the actual filming process. It took time but it has finally begun. Today I helped fill the first scene at school. It was a super quick scene but it was a start none the less. I am not sure if it is going to make the final cut if the video because it was a test but it is still a start. Zane is going to bring his camera to my house on Saturday and then the real scenes will be filmed. There are still a lot of scenes to be shot so it will still take a decent amount of time. This also takes away a decent amount of time that could be used for studying since midterms are next week. This project is more important though because it is for a grade whereas studying is not as king as you know the material well. The project will come first and then I can find time to study this weekend. I have been really stressed about school but filming with friends is a good way to take my mind off of things. Zane will come over to my house on Saturday and I’ll find places to match each scene within my community. Last time I was able to find places easily so hopefully it is the same this time. Filming last time took a couple hours so I am expecting this time to take just a long if not longer. After filming Zane and I will probably get food somewhere before he has to go home. Maybe a couple other friends will come over as well for fun. If eating isn’t an option, another thing to do could be bowling. Either way, I always do something with my friends after filming so I’ll find something to do. The most important thing will be to finish the scenes as early as possible to leave time for other stuff. Once we finish filming, the editing process can finally begin. 


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