Super Helpful.

 Yet again there was a delay in the filming process. I was supposed to film with my group today but I had already made plans. I had already promised a friend that I would help her and her group film their commercial so I was unable to film my own. This is a bit upsetting but not anything I am not prepared for. My group knows and is okay with my issue and the agreement is to film next week. This is convenient because it saves me the stress of holding everyone else back. I had to help my friends film their video because they all needed to be in a scene and they had no one to film. I went to her house and filmed for a couple hours today. I filmed at her house and at a school down the street. The filming was really easy to do even though it took all day. Even though it took all day, I still had a lot of fun filming. My friends and my girlfriend were all there so it was always entertaining. I made sure to eat before hand as well to make sure I didn't get hungry while filming. There were only a couple scenes I was needed for but I stayed all day for fun. I rode electric scooters and bikes to the school down the street which was also really fun. On the way back I used an electric scooter because I got tired of riding the bike. This backfired because the scooter died half way home and I had to walk it the rest of the way home. It was funny how quickly karma became real for me. When I got back to her house, I played basketball with a friend and then got ready to leave. I left with another friend and went to dinner with their family. I saw another friend and it was so much fun and a great way to end the day. 


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