Practice !!

 I have still not filmed my music video and the deadline is getting closer. I finally set a date for filming this weekend and it got delayed again. The plan was already set and then Zane realized he had practice. I also had practice but I was willing to skip it to film. This project is getting closer and closer to the deadline and it’s beginning to stress me out. I have baseball practice every day of the week except Sundays which makes it a lot harder to film. Zane also has practice for football most days which doesn’t help. My practices last a long time so there normally isn’t time to film before or after. This is starting to become an issue and making the whole project a lot more difficult. Zane has been trying to find a day he can miss practice but it’s not easy. He told me that he could maybe miss practice this week but I’ll have to see. I also have practice all week so it is not as easy as just skipping. Baseball practice really gets in the way of stuff sometimes but I can’t give it up. My coaches don’t like when I skip and I need to make sure they like me so i can play during the games. We practice all the time and there is always someone who will take my spot if I don’t show up for even a day. Zane has the same situation and it is making the entire project very difficult. Eventually I’ll find a day that I can skip practice on the same day as him to film. This whole thing has become a lot more complicated than it should’ve been. Sports and practice are super helpful and fun but not convenient at all. None the less Zane and I will find a way to make sure the music video is filmed and submitted on time, just like always. 


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