
Showing posts from March, 2023

Still Filming…

 My group is just about done filming. The group members all came over again today to film more. A few more scenes were completed. There was a lot of discarded footage. Hopefully Zane has enough to begin editing now. After today, my group should only need 1-3 more days of filming. Assuming they come over again this weekend, it should be completed soon. Kevin’s birthday is this weekend though so he might not be able to film. Maybe the rest of the group will still meet this weekend. If anything, everyone can meet on Monday to finish. Zane wanted to film today but Kevin and I were already busy. I’m not sure why Kevin was busy but I know it had something to do with studying for a test. I was busy because it was opening day for the baseball season and I went to the game with my family. My family goes every year so I couldn’t skip it even if I wanted to. Zane also mentioned filming tomorrow but I already have a baseball game for school. My team was rained out at our game yesterday so my group

Finally Started !!!

 Today my group finally started filming. Each group member came to my house and I started to film. Sadly, only one scene was completed. There were more scenes filmed but the outcome was not good enough. Filming took about an hour today because I knew more time would be needed. The first scene only needed Kyle. This allowed Kevin and I to relax for the day, since Zane was filming. The group decides to take turns filming to make it fair. Next time will be my turn to film, and then it will be Kevins turn. When filming is completed, Kevin and Zane were firm on wanting to edit together. As far as filming went today, Kyles acting was good and so was Zane’s camera work. A total of 4 scenes were filmed today even though only one was kept. The reason some scenes were deleted was because the group agreed they could’ve been planned better. This meant I would find a new location to film these scenes at. I was thinking something with a greasy floor, like a garage. This would best fit the scenes nee

More Baseball…

Filming is beginning to seem like it will never happen. Yet another couple days has gone by and there has been no filming. For the past few days, school has been really weird. There have been 2 lockdowns for completely different things. The first one was because of a fight. Almost 40 kids were involved, some of which were arrested. This fight sent a lot of students, including myself, into the auditorium for the day. Being stuck in the auditorium, I could not communicate with my group members. The connection was bad and everyone was distracted. The second lockdown was today. This one was because of an anonymous threat made to the school. It was never said what the threat was, but my group was completely locked down in separate classrooms all day. This made communication difficult again. Eventually towards the end of the day, I was able to get in contact with my group. It was agreed that each member should go home after school to be with family. Being in a lock down all day can be scary,

Filming Soon!

 My group still has not started to film. Each member of the group has been extremely busy lately. This makes it very difficult to find a filming date. Each member has different sports along with homework. These are factors that make filming difficult. Tonight, I had a baseball game, which is why I couldn’t film. I was busy all day after school and didn’t get home until late. The game didn’t go well, but that’s okay. There will always be more games to win. The team will always have another chance to play. I also have a game tomorrow, so I won’t be able to film then either. Hopefully the team can pull through and win. I wont be home until late tomorrow so hopefully I’ll be available to film this weekend. I do have practice Saturday morning, so I won’t be able to film until later if anything. I will check with my group to see if everyone is available this weekend. Maybe I’ll be able to film Saturday afternoon when I’m finished with practice. If not Saturday, I can always try for Sunday. A

Still Planning!

 My group has not yet started filming. There are a lot of things going on for everyone right now so no one has been able to pick a time for filming. Zane has football and a lot of homework to do, just like me. Kyle and Kevin have each been out of town. This task will also take much longer to film. To film, there are a lot more requirements compared to previous tasks. This tasks requires more of things such as time and angles. Another thing that is difficult about this task is the resources needed. There is more filming that goes into it to make sure every scene is nothing but perfect. Editing will also be much more work. As far as filming, I believe we will still be able to finish within a day. The only issue with that could be locations for different scenes. I should be able to get a ride to any location need, which will be helpful. As far as actors, 3 out of 4 members in the group have agreed to appear if needed. Aside from this, many friends of mine have asked to be featured. There

Storyboard Blog

  Scene 1:Travis will be working on his car with a voice over of him introducing his life and him as a person. He is then interrupted by his mom, who tells him to go do his homework.   Scene 2: Travis will be working on his homework after being told to by his mother, and look bored, this will introduce the "teen" factor of his life.   Scene 3: Travis will be in class daydreaming and not paying attention, then his teacher will make sure he snaps back into place.   Scene 4 :  Travis at home looking at cars and doing what he enjoys.   Scene 5: Travis seen walking in halls around school, and then is approached by the school bully, who beats him up and sends him to the nurse.    Scene 6: Travis at the nurse after getting beat up. She gives him ice, nothing to severe.    Scene 7: Travis goes to an interview at the mechanic and gets the job. The scene will include his interview questions, and the entirety of the process.   Scene 8: Travis with his friends in the cafeteria, he is