Storyboard Blog

 Scene 1:Travis will be working on his car with a voice over of him introducing his life and him as a person. He is then interrupted by his mom, who tells him to go do his homework. 

Scene 2: Travis will be working on his homework after being told to by his mother, and look bored, this will introduce the "teen" factor of his life. 

Scene 3: Travis will be in class daydreaming and not paying attention, then his teacher will make sure he snaps back into place. 

Scene 4:  Travis at home looking at cars and doing what he enjoys. 

Scene 5: Travis seen walking in halls around school, and then is approached by the school bully, who beats him up and sends him to the nurse.  

Scene 6: Travis at the nurse after getting beat up. She gives him ice, nothing to severe.  

Scene 7: Travis goes to an interview at the mechanic and gets the job. The scene will include his interview questions, and the entirety of the process. 

Scene 8: Travis with his friends in the cafeteria, he is approached by the school bully who taunts him for his new position as a mechanic. 

Scene 9: Travis at his new mechanic job working on a vehicle when he has a conversation with his new boss. 

Scene 10: Travis doing his homework and studying for his exams in his room, trying to keep his mind off cars. 

Scene 11: Travis talking to his mom about everything on his mom, and she gives him advice.  

Scene 12: Travis goes back to working, and screen blacks out. 



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