
Showing posts from February, 2023

AICE Media Studies - Planning!!

  For our project, we have decided to film at Jackon’s house or community. This is because there are a lot of different locations within walking distance for us to film at. Zane , Kyl e and Kevin will all come over and then we can begin to film. Another positive aspect of this location is the safety included. All of our parents have agreed to let us film at this location. Jackson’s parents have also agreed to supervise us, that way there is always an adult present should anything go wrong. We will also make sure to stay away from any props that could potential ly injure someone, such as a knife or a hammer. If we do use an object that could potentially be dangerous if used improperly, an adult will always be nearby in case   of an emergency. Another safety aspect included with the community is that there is 24/7 security, which makes it safer to film after dark if necessary. The community is gated with provides that extra level of safety and com fort. Our group may need a little

AICE Media Studies - Planning Blog: Script

  T RAVIS' HOUSE - DAY   We see a young Travis Waddle tinkering with his car in the driveway. He is a motor enthusiast, constantly working on his car and dreaming of a future in the automotive industry.   TRAVIS (to himself) One day, I'll be working on the fastest cars in the city.   Travis' mom, JENNIFER, comes outside.   JENNIFER Travis, you need to come inside and finish your homework.   TRAVIS Can't I just work on my car for a little longer?   JENNIFER No, you need to focus on your studies. You won't get anywhere in life without an education.   Travis rolls his eyes and reluctantly heads inside.   INT. HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOM - DAY   Travis sits in class, staring out the window, daydreaming about cars. His teacher, MR. JOHNSON, notices.   MR. JOHNSON Travis, pay attention. You won't pass this class if you keep daydreaming.   Travis sighs and tries to focus on the lesson.   TRAVIS' ROOM - NIGHT   Travis is on his computer, scrolling through job postings

AICE Media Studies - Title Design

    In this PowerPoint document, we included all the information about what our titles will be in our opening sequence of our movie. We included each title name and what we will be calling it. We included what font we are going to use, as well as color and size. We also showed the spacing between letters. The working title of each title is also included in the google slide. We said how the titles will transition into the movie, and how long they will each appear on the screen for. The point of this google slides is to inform and plan how we will be creating our titles when we are editing our movie. We wanted the titles to look uniform throughout, so the same size, color, and font will be used for each title. The same goes for transitions in and out, and the duration each title appears on the screen.

AICE Media Studies - Title Research: Friday Night Lights

  The opening sequence of Friday Night Lights features the title of the movie in white letters against a black background. The letters appear to be made of a metallic material, which reflects light and creates a sense of energy and movement. The opening sequence of Friday Night Lights prioritizes images of football games, players, and fans. The sequence features close-up shots of players' faces, helmets, and equipment, as well as panoramic views of football fields, stadiums, and crowds. The images in the opening sequence of Friday Night Lights carry connotations of passion, intensity, and community. The focus on football games and players suggests that the story will be about the high-stakes world of high school football, while the shots of fans and crowds suggest that the story will explore the role of football in shaping the identity of small-town America. The film Friday Night Lights establishes a feeling of the sports drama genre from the outset by featuring images of football

AICE Media Studies - Title Research: Licence to Kill

  The opening sequence of the film Licence to Kill features the title sequence, which includes the title of the film and the credits of the cast and crew. The title sequence is accompanied by a theme song performed by Gladys Knight. The opening sequence of Licence to Kill prioritizes a series of abstract and surreal images, including women's legs, fire, and geometric shapes. The sequence also features clips from the film, including James Bond and a drug lord named Franz Sanchez. The images in the opening sequence of Licence to Kill carry connotations of danger, sensuality, and violence. The focus on abstract and surreal images is designed to create a sense of disorientation and anticipation, while the clips from the film suggest that the story will involve intense action and conflict. The film Licence to Kill establishes a feeling of the James Bond genre from the outset by featuring the iconic Bond theme song, as well as by incorporating many of the familiar elements of the Bond se

AICE Media Studies - Title research: Wonder Woman

  I started my research by browsing on I looked at many films that fit our group’s genre of choice, action, and on the website, I came across a variety of movies with amazing title sequences. One that caught my eye was Wonder Woman because it didn’t come out that long ago, so everything is more up to date, It was also very thrilling to look at. It was dark with flashes and sparks of bright colors to catch the eye of its audience and the bold letters made the words pop out as if they were in the 3 rd  dimension.  It is clear with bright colors to contrast, bold, and eye-catching with assorted designs and activities clothing featured. Beginning before the opening sequence the warner bros and DC logos appear on the then transitions to a scene of the main character as a child running through tall healthy grass with the main character speaking about her home and where she came from. At this point there is still no sign of the cast or the director yet. The next s

AICE Media Studies - Title Research: Uncharted

  I first began my discoveries by researching on  I looked through many films that fit our group's genre of choice, action, and I came across various numbers of movies with great title sequences. One that caught my eye was Uncharted because it is a 1-year-old movie, and it has a very action and thrilling look to its entirety. It is clear with bright colors to contrast, bold, and eye-catching with assorted designs and activities clothing featured. Beginning before the opening sequence the Colombia logo appears on the screen amidst a bright blue sky with clouds scattered and a rainbow ring. It then transitions to a black screen that leads to a statue of a globe being held up for the atlas entertainment logo. In the opening sequence it shows the main actor falling in the sky behind a plane and this a foreshadow which is a common technique used in movies to give a taste of what is to come. It goes to an action cut scene which goes back to the start of his early ch

AICE Media Studies - Title Research: Art of the Title/Watch the Titles

This website is a great introduction to the art behind titles. My group decided that we would use this website as one of our resources as there were a plethora of options and styles of different title sequence examples. When clicking on this website it was immediately super easy to navigate and convenient to use when looking for specific movies and or genres. With so many different examples, our understanding of how title sequences look was much improved. We learned what a title sequence most commonly includes, and the order in which the information comes out in. This will be valuable information to us as we will use it to properly format our final task. This website had some weaknesses, some of the embeds for the video wouldn't work. However, this may have been an issue with my computer or just a temporary issue on the site. Overall, this website will be super useful for our research on titles and their conventions. It will also contribute to showing us the way that the

AICE Media Studies - Movie Conventions: Baby Driver

  MOVIE CONVENTION BLOG   Baby Driver   This movie has extreme conventions when it relates to cars within it. Our movie can relate as we intend it to be heavily revolved around cars. With our plot being based off a mechanical life, the ability to use cars to create entertaining action scenes is important, and this movie does it very well. This movie focuses on the drivers of the spectrum and the people, but it still remains to be action packed. Some examples of conventions we like in this movie that help our specific genre are the chase scenes. In this movie, during chase scenes the editors make explosions and other crazy effects to draw the attention of the audience. Also, there are a lot of guns and violent scenes that help contribute to the genre of action. The editing of this movie makes for a very entertaining and eye-catching film. something that we saw a lot of in this movie that helped us to decide that we wanted to research it was that we found ourselves intrigued and c