AICE Media Studies - Title Research: Art of the Title/Watch the Titles

This website is a great introduction to the art behind titles.
My group decided that we would use this website as one of our resources as there were a plethora of options and styles of different title sequence examples. When clicking on this website it was immediately super easy to navigate and convenient to use when looking for specific movies and or genres. With so many different examples, our understanding of how title sequences look was much improved. We learned what a title sequence most commonly includes, and the order in which the information comes out in. This will be valuable information to us as we will use it to properly format our final task. This website had some weaknesses, some of the embeds for the video wouldn't work. However, this may have been an issue with my computer or just a temporary issue on the site. Overall, this website will be super useful for our research on titles and their conventions. It will also contribute to showing us the way that the titles are shown in movies. 



This was one of the other websites that we found very appealing and will be very useful for our research. I found this website not very easy to navigate to my first viewing, as there are more sections and a different look to this website. I found some more issues with embed errors on this website that didn’t allow me to view title sequences, however, it was a less common issue. The title sequences that we were able to view helped us further understand how a title sequence should appear. I actually really enjoyed viewing this website as there were a lot more sections that separated information. Also, each section was filled with lots of useful information and examples. These sections were abnormal in comparison to what I saw on the other website, yet I feel that it is beneficial to our group as we can further research other categories. I am looking forward to going deeper into what this website can enlighten me about.  Overall, this website will be another very useful source. I can’t wait to get into using these conventions/codes to make an amazing opening sequence for my video/movie. 


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