AICE Media Studies - Movie Conventions: Baby Driver


Baby Driver  

This movie has extreme conventions when it relates to cars within it. Our movie can relate as we intend it to be heavily revolved around cars. With our plot being based off a mechanical life, the ability to use cars to create entertaining action scenes is important, and this movie does it very well. This movie focuses on the drivers of the spectrum and the people, but it still remains to be action packed. Some examples of conventions we like in this movie that help our specific genre are the chase scenes. In this movie, during chase scenes the editors make explosions and other crazy effects to draw the attention of the audience. Also, there are a lot of guns and violent scenes that help contribute to the genre of action. The editing of this movie makes for a very entertaining and eye-catching film. something that we saw a lot of in this movie that helped us to decide that we wanted to research it was that we found ourselves intrigued and caught on what was going on in the movie and we thought that having the ability to keep attention would be something that would help our film thrive. We as a group enjoyed all the shots and angles displayed in the film. It allowed for a lot of ideas to be generated for our own film. I personally found that immensely helpful and I assure you we all could agree on that. Another convention that caught our eyes was the intrusive amounts of music and sound to add emotion and tone to the car scenes within Baby Driver. I feel that this movie is a good benchmark to have in our brains to base off of for music and how it correlates to the audience. I also believe that this will help greatly in car scene as the camera angle are absolutely pristine.With our movie being mechanical based, we planned to have a plot that will grab the attention of the audience using things like chases and explosions with other things that would make for an interesting movie, however not just those things. Although this movie is going to be based off a mechanic it is going to have a lot of plot twists that we will use to create attention towards the audience. The conventions and codes from this movie helped us produce ideas that could contribute to the overall plot and entertainment of the movie. Overall, this was a good movie to use for convention codes and it gave us some great ideas to use for our movie/film. 


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