AICE Media Studies - Planning!!

 For our project, we have decided to film at Jackon’s house or community. This is because there are a lot of different locations within walking distance for us to film at. Zane, Kyle and Kevin will all come over and then we can begin to film. Another positive aspect of this location is the safety included. All of our parents have agreed to let us film at this location. Jackson’s parents have also agreed to supervise us, that way there is always an adult present should anything go wrong. We will also make sure to stay away from any props that could potentially injure someone, such as a knife or a hammer. If we do use an object that could potentially be dangerous if used improperly, an adult will always be nearby in case of an emergency. Another safety aspect included with the community is that there is 24/7 security, which makes it safer to film after dark if necessary. The community is gated with provides that extra level of safety and comfort. Our group may need a little more time to decide what days we are going to film on as we are majority busy with after-school athletics that consume a lot for our schedule. Once we can all decide on a time and day that we know will 100% work, we will update all of you in our production blogs. We look forward to making this film, so it will be prioritized in all our schedules. Overall, finding a spot in your schedule for filming a movie can be a daunting task, especially if you have a lot of other commitments and responsibilities. It's important to prioritize and make sure that filming the movie is something you really want to do and that it aligns with your overall goals and values. One way to make room in your schedule for filming is to block off specific chunks of time in advance and plan your other activities and obligations around those blocks. It may also be necessary to delegate some tasks or responsibilities to others so that you can free up more time for filming. In some cases, you may need to make sacrifices or trade-offs in order to make room for filming. This could mean cutting back on social activities, taking time off work, or rearranging other commitments. Communication is key when it comes to scheduling conflicts. If you're struggling to find a spot in your schedule for filming, it's important to be transparent with the film crew and let them know what your limitations are. It's important to be flexible and adaptable when it comes to scheduling. Unexpected things can always come up, so it's important to have a backup plan in case something falls through or changes at the last minute.


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