
Showing posts from October, 2022

Project Blog

 This is my Aice Media Studies commercial!!! I had so much fun making this and I can't wait for you to see it. I hope you enjoy!!

Creative Critical Reflection

  The commercial for my product, Gatorade, uses convention in terms of the style of commercials filmed. In most if not all Gatorade commercials, it contains someone doing something athletic or sports related such as playing a sport or working out at the gym. This is what we used to base our commercial off of. These commercials are also normally highly energetic which we used to help pick a style of music to play in the background. This commercial also highlights athletic social groups and some of the things associated with them. It shows that Gatorade helps to decrease dehydration in these athletic groups while participating in tiring activities, such as working out.  The commercial engages audiences by not only encouraging them to buy the product, but also to participate in athletic activities, which is good for you. The commercial shows that Gatorade helps stop dehydration which could encourage more people to buy the product to drink while working out or playing a sport. The commerci


  Zane and I finally almost finished editing our commercial. Editing was one of the things during the process that was difficult. I have little to no editing experience at all so I struggled with this especially. This was okay though because my group and I agreed that Zane would do most of the editing. This is because Zane has previous editing experience so it was just easier that way. My end of the agreement was to be the actor in the commercial, since neither of us really wanted to do that. We were originally going to find someone else to be the actor but I agreed to do it if he would edit. Zane began the editing process the night we finished filming. He used Adobe Pro editing software. He cut the clips together from earlier in the day and made it look smooth. He constantly sent me the progress to make sure I was okay with everything. There was never an issue so he just kept going and it turned out great. I wish I could’ve done more to help but I just don’t know anything about edit

Finally Filming

  Today Zane and I finally filmed the commercial and finished it. After all the hurricane delays plus another unexpected incident, he and I finally found time to film. The gym was a bit full for a little while so it wasn't as quick as expected. There were a couple people that gave recommendations but we stuck to our storyboard. I was the actor in the commercial and Zane was the director. He took 7-21 second videos of many different workouts and picked the best few to include. A few videos were excluded because of the people in the background that did not want to be filmed. Zane filmed using his iPhone instead of a professional camera. It was easier for both of us to use his phone instead of taking the time to find a real camera. He took shots from high and low angles to capture the best views. In total, it took around 30 minutes to film all that we needed. Zane looked over the videos to see what he could use for editing. He did not edit it on that same day because there was not e

Weather Delay

  My group and I have not started filming yet because of a couple things. First off, hurricane Ian is on track to hit Florida in Tampa and Ft. Myers area in a day or two. The hurricane is supposed to stay on the West coast of the state but we should still get tropical storm winds and a lot of rain. I was going to try to film this week during the week but it doesn’t look like that's possible anymore. Zane and I also both have practice for sports which will likely be canceled because of the rain. The original plan was to try to film the commercial at my community gym on Thursday, but with the way the weather is looking, it probably won’t be a good idea. Zane and I are still going to try because you never know what could happen. Zane and I were going to try to film the entire commercial in a day to get it out of the way. Once we are finished, Zane will do most of the editing because he already knows how to edit. He also has the software to edit which would normally cost money for qu

Research Blog

My group is doing a Gatorade commercial. In these commercials, the audience normally sees people taking part in athletic activities such as going to a gym or running on a track.  -They normally wear costumes that include athletic clothes such as dry-fit shorts, tshirts, leggings, sports bras, and more -Their appearance is normally in-shape, sweaty, and partaking in some sort of athletic activity -Props include dumbbells, barbells, a sweat towel, a gatorade bottle, and so on -The commercials normally have upbeat music playing to give an active or energetic theme Conventions and codes in Gatorade commercials include their famous G logo and their slogan “Win from within”.  In Gatorade commercials, the logo, while not shown in every scene, is often shown throughout the commercials when the athlete becomes tired or unenergetic.  Gatorade commercials tend to appeal to ethos because they use famous athletes to prove that even the best of the best drink Gatorade to improve performance.  

Planning Blog

Props:   Our commercial will include weights such as dumbbells, barbells, etc. We also will obviously be using Gatorade as our main product for this commercial.   Costumes:   The actor in the commercial will be wearing some athletic shorts with an athletic t-shirt. These clothes will be dark to create a more cinematic mood for the video. This will be paired with some running/general sports shoes.    Schedule:   On 10/3/22, Zane  and I will create our research, storyboard, and planning blog.   On 10/5/22, Zane  and I will get all the props and materials we need for the video.   On 10/8/22 , Zane  and I will film what is needed for our 30 second commercial.   On 10/10/22, Zane  and I will edit the final touches for our 20 second commercial.     Location List:   We will be using the community gym in Jacksons neighborhood to film the commercial.    Our secondary location is to go to a commercial gym located near Jackson and me.   Backup Plan:   If for some reason Zane  and I are not

Storyboard Blog

First Scene - During this scene the actor will be lifting weights with exhaustion and tiredness. We will emphasize this with dramatic music that builds on the scene. We will be filming in a gym. Second Scene - This will be a closeup shot of the weights falling and hitting the floor. After some editing, the sound of the weights hitting the floor will cause complete silence creating a dramatic pause. Third Scene - The actor will be filmed from a low angle of he / she picking up a Gatorade bottle and taking a sip. Once the actor takes a sip, upbeat music will begin to play. Fourth Scene - Compiled shots of the actor doing multiple different exercises. This will demonstrate the hydration achieved from the Gatorade. A voice actor talks over the actor doing exercises saying, “optimize your performance when you need it with Gatorade.” Fifth Scene - The screen will show a close up shot of a Gatorade bottle with text next to it stating something about the drink's featur