Creative Critical Reflection

 The commercial for my product, Gatorade, uses convention in terms of the style of commercials filmed. In most if not all Gatorade commercials, it contains someone doing something athletic or sports related such as playing a sport or working out at the gym. This is what we used to base our commercial off of. These commercials are also normally highly energetic which we used to help pick a style of music to play in the background. This commercial also highlights athletic social groups and some of the things associated with them. It shows that Gatorade helps to decrease dehydration in these athletic groups while participating in tiring activities, such as working out. 

The commercial engages audiences by not only encouraging them to buy the product, but also to participate in athletic activities, which is good for you. The commercial shows that Gatorade helps stop dehydration which could encourage more people to buy the product to drink while working out or playing a sport. The commercial can be streamed in many places such as on television, on streaming services such as YouTube, or on an in-game ad for mobile or non-mobile games. These will all have different audiences which would maximize the potential customer outreach. All of these things have positive effects, making it a successful commercial. 

During this project, I learned a lot about how films begin. Before this, I was unaware of all of the work that goes into filming something before you even pick up a camera. There is so much writing and planning that has to take place before any real filming can begin. Along with this, the process of filming itself is a lot easier than I would've expected it to be. Although retakes do exist, they were not as common as I had originally expected. It took a total of around 35 minutes to complete the filming itself and the editing was just as easy. 

Throughout this project, we used a number of different technological devices to make the quality the best it could be. To film, I used an iPhone 13 because of the high camera quality. Once finished filming, I used a Lenovo laptop which was provided at school to edit. I also used Adobe Pro Editing Software to complete the editing itself. Along with this, we used a MacBook to edit part of it because it was unavailable on the Lenovo. All of this technology is what helped us to create the best commercial possible.


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