Finally Filming

  Today Zane and I finally filmed the commercial and finished it. After all the hurricane delays plus another unexpected incident, he and I finally found time to film. The gym was a bit full for a little while so it wasn't as quick as expected. There were a couple people that gave recommendations but we stuck to our storyboard. I was the actor in the commercial and Zane was the director. He took 7-21 second videos of many different workouts and picked the best few to include. A few videos were excluded because of the people in the background that did not want to be filmed. Zane filmed using his iPhone instead of a professional camera. It was easier for both of us to use his phone instead of taking the time to find a real camera. He took shots from high and low angles to capture the best views. In total, it took around 30 minutes to film all that we needed. Zane looked over the videos to see what he could use for editing. He did not edit it on that same day because there was not enough time. I could’ve found a way to help edit but he insisted on doing it himself. The whole process of filming was a fun experience for both of us. He and I hung out before and after filming to help some friends film their commercial as well. Both my group and their group finished filming on the same day. Having an extra group to help film was really helpful and made the whole process much easier. I hung out with everyone after we finished filming and we all got food together and played some tennis. The whole filming experience was a lot of fun and I can’t wait to do it again.


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