
Showing posts from December, 2023

Genre Decision: Thriller

      First, we looked at thrillers. I was very intrigued by the elements. As I began thinking I was familiar with them in films I'd seen before. But as I kept thinking back to our pitch I felt that it didn't quite fit. The mis-en-scene is usually dramatic and sometimes gory. There's lots of suspense and anticipation. That's not the mood we want to create with this film. So we decided not to use this genre. Then came Comedy. At first, the elements seem very promising. The camera angles were definitely within our ability. However, when we got to sounds and dialogue we didn't think it would be necessary to make jokes all the time, especially on such a serious matter. I felt it would be too corny for our idea. So we decided not to go through with it.   Lastly, we chose to look at Coming of Age. I thought of this genre because our actors are teenagers. Additionally, the plot of the film had a lot to do with the common theme of Coming of Age movies where characters lose

Another Suggestion

   The link below will direct you to the PowerPoint Coming of Age

Maybe Comedy?

   The link below will direct you to the PowerPoint   Comedy

A Possible Idea

   This link will take you to my PowerPoint Thriller

My Pitch

  Hey guys, we need the key idea to kick off this final task. The two pitches that we had were completely different.  Pitch 1; 2 College students return home for spring break but something feels off when they enter town. After arriving home they realized what had happened. Pitch 2; A teenager is driving around town till he gets pulled over, a traffic stop takes a turn for the worst. When he wakes up in the hospital cycle never ends. The first pitch is interesting as we can make any twist we want. It is a mystery but can evolve into any twist or plot that we want. It gives us ease with the cast and set along with where it takes place. what I learned from the AS level was that you need to be ready for change at a moment's notice. The second one is great too as it gives a mystery aspect with a twist that leads into the cliffhanger ending. It would be the more daring of the 2 ideas but in the long run, could turn out better. Along with that doing the media package would make it easier

Intro Blog

    Hello! Welcome back. My name is Jackson Hirsch. As you may already know, I created productions last year in AS level media. I am extremely excited to continue working on productions. I am now 16 years old. Aside from this, not much has changed about me in the last year. I am now in the a-level course of aice media studies, instead of the AS-level. Most of the important aspects of my life have remained the same though. I still play baseball year-round. I play for both school and travel , that way I can play in summer. I play for the Fort Lauderdale Flying L's at school through most of the year. In summer, I play for 5-star mafia. I am still a pitcher and a third baseman on both teams. Outside of baseball, I focus mostly on schoolwork, since I don't have a job. Instead of a job, I flip shoes and clothes as a side hustle. This is more fun and a much easier way to make money. I can choose when I want to work and how long I want to work for. I have also met a lot of people throu

Group Introduction

 For this project, I will be working with a new group. My group members will be Sean Halfpenny and Sean Driscal. Hopefully the names don't get too confusing. I decided to work with this group for a number of reasons that will provide success in this project. Each group member can contribute equally to help make this project a success. For my contribution, I will be the main actor in the film and I will contribute to the editing process to the best of my ability. I am not amazing at editing but I will help when I can. The main thing I will be contributing is the acting, since neither of them want to be on film. Sean H. will be providing the filming equipment and doing most of the filming for the group. He has a good camera and experience in film, which will be helpful. He has volunteered to film the entire thing, but Sean D. said that he would film a little as well. The main thing Sean D. will be contributing is the editing. He has experience with editing in the past, so it was the