Finished Filming

 Today my group finished filming. After two days, my group is done. Everyone was there on time today. My group worked quickly and everyone was focused the whole time. My scenes as one character were filmed first. Then the scenes with Rhys and Sean D. were filmed. After that, my scenes as the other character were filmed. Some scenes were filmed in the car at the end since the location was not important. There was only one scene with other people in the background. They both agreed to be in the film since they were far away. My group was thankful for this because it would be a pain to have to reshoot. Rhys agreed to edit the film. He said that he would do it as soon as he could. There is more than enough time to edit. This means that he does not have to rush. Sean H. will also be editing. Hopefully those two working together will have the film finished quickly. This will make it easier for a peer review. I am happy to be finished filming. This film will be great!


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