Short film research: Hysteric, Thriller-Mystery Genre

 This video is all about a family; while the two daughters are shown in bed, their interest is piqued when they hear a mystery noise coming from their home. It turns out that their mother has gone insane, leaving these two daughters to struggle for their own safety and survival against their mother, who is out for blood. The most prevalent camera angle shown in this film was a medium angle camera shot, which mostly focuses on the upper half of one of the daughter's bodies as we watch her attempt to solve the sound's riddle. Tracking shots were also prevalent, as we followed the same daughter getting up and walking towards the commotion as she investigated; when she realized her mother has killed her father, the tracking camera shifted back to the daughter. These tracking shots give the impression that everything was shot in one long take as if the audience were there by the daughter. The ambiance was most important in this picture since we only heard the volume of rain pouring from the sky and pounding the home's windows, as well as the mother's odd noises coming from other rooms. conversation is present, but just for a few phrases as the girl calls out for her father and the mother protests that she is going to kill her girls; the lack of conversation makes this film practically silent. The only costumes visible on the actors were loungewear such as pajamas and nightgowns, because this film only takes place in one location and at night, the actors have limited clothing options. Props were utilized sparingly, however, one of the two that was used was quite effective for the plot, which was the wooden and or metal horse that was being used to assassinate the father, as the girls run out of the house, one of the sisters is seen holding a stuffed animal, demonstrating the sudden urgency of them running out of their rooms, awoken from their slumber, as she grabs the nearest thing that could bring her comfort at this time. The lighting was extremely low light and dark; we can hardly ever see the actors to begin with, and the only times that lighting can be seen to show a character is when natural light is used, such as the moonlit sky reflecting on the daughter or the small lamp reflecting little light to show what the mother is exactly doing to the father when she kills him. The acting is very classical and dramatic, but nothing over the top; there is raw emotion shown through the actors as they witness these unfold in front of them, showing signs of distress and despair as they begin to realize the ugly truth and that they must fight immediately to stay alive, acting urgently. The mother also plays the role of crazy admirably, doing everything she can to kill the two daughters seeking to flee. Because they are young girls, makeup is minimal; everything is natural, and there is no filter to hide anything on their faces. The only indication of editing was fade-ins and outs. Cuts appear only a few times. Such as when the two children are stuck in the car as the mother sets it on fire and then cuts to the exterior of the car, revealing the mother in tears. Something I really liked about this film was its silent plot construction; even though we never get any context from a character's words, the scenes play out the answers right in front of us and serve as an explanation in and of themselves. Although an element that I believe this film was lacking was the context of why this was all occurring to the mother in the first place, the spectator is simply pushed into the ring of fire and left to question what is actually going on and why. This film can show great examples and ideas we can apply to our film with editing and sound. Our film is a thriller and the thriller mystery genre is a great expansion. 


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