Finished… For Real

 My group finally finished the project. The filming and editing are both complete. After weeks of work, everything has come to an end. Each member has finished reviewing the clips. I took about an hour to finish mine, so I’m assuming it took around that for everyone else as well. After some editing issues, it feels good to be finished. For a day or so, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to finish. There was really bad flooding in Florida and I was more focused on that at the time. There was almost 3 feet of water at any given moment. At one point, I even had to walk through water that was 3/4 of the way up my leg. After a terrifying walk and an even worse uber, I finally made it home. It was already late and i decided to finish going through clips the next day. I woke up sorta early and got to work. It took 45 minutes because I had already spent about 15 minutes the day before. I finished around 11:30am, which is when I texted my group’s chat. I asked if everyone else was done, and they were. Each of us sent the final clips and Zane did the final work. He sent the final video almost 2 hours later. It looked super good and I was super excited to finally upload it. I got on my computer and I watched the video over and over. I am so happy to finally be finished and I can’t wait for everyone to see my video. 


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