Finished Filming !!

 Today my group finished filming. Everyone was able to meet and complete the filming process. The last few scenes did not take a lot of time at all. Zane and I did the camera work since Kyle was the main actor. The whole process was really stressful but I’m glad it’s over now. Todays scenes were filmed at school. This is because it was an easy location for the entire group. I was also able to find a place to fit the locations needed for the scenes. It was super simple to find and my group finished within an hour. After the camera work, each member had to look over the shots to get approval. Once finished, Zane sent all the shots to himself. This is because he is the one doing most of the editing. He also sent some shots to Kevin since he will also be doing some editing. They both use Adobe Editing Software so they can easily work together. Kyle and I will have access to the editing to help with any simple changes or issues. As far as a time frame, I don’t know when editing will be finished. Zane is very quick when he works so hopefully it will be done soon. Kevin has also been exposed to editing software so that helps Zane a lot. Kyle and I have nothing left to do except simple fixes and moral support. Hopefully the editing will al be done soon and I can finally relax. 


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