
Showing posts from April, 2023

Final Task: Creative Critical Reflection

 Here is my creative critical reflection for my final task. I hope you enjoyed this journey and I can't wait to see what other adventures are to come. 

Project Blog

 Here is my final task !!

Finished… For Real

 My group finally finished the project. The filming and editing are both complete. After weeks of work, everything has come to an end. Each member has finished reviewing the clips. I took about an hour to finish mine, so I’m assuming it took around that for everyone else as well. After some editing issues, it feels good to be finished. For a day or so, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to finish. There was really bad flooding in Florida and I was more focused on that at the time. There was almost 3 feet of water at any given moment. At one point, I even had to walk through water that was 3/4 of the way up my leg. After a terrifying walk and an even worse uber, I finally made it home. It was already late and i decided to finish going through clips the next day. I woke up sorta early and got to work. It took 45 minutes because I had already spent about 15 minutes the day before. I finished around 11:30am, which is when I texted my group’s chat. I asked if everyone else was done, and they

Will it ever end?!

 After what were supposedly the final touches being added to the video, a few things went wrong. First off, Zane had edited some of the clips into the wrong order, causing the video to look like a random jumble of videos. This lead to a lot of stress amongst the group and especially for Zane. What had happened was that the editing software had a malfunction and it messes up the entire video. Zane had edited it correctly in the first place but the Adobe Editing Software scrambled the clips. When Zane realized this, he quickly downloaded the scrambled video along with each of the individual clips. This was to avoid any future issues involving the software. It took almost 4 hours for every single clip to download to his computer. After a long wait and a very nervous one at that, Zane was able to access each of the downloaded clips in his computer. This took a bit of stress off of Zane but the clips were still scrambled. The group agreed that each member should review a set of clips to det

Finally Finished !!!

 Today my group finished our project. It took a while but it is finally complete. Zane put the finishing touches on the editing today. Kevin and Zane have been working on editing for almost 2 days. Each one of them has been editing a different part of the video to be more efficient. Zane has been using Adobe Editing Software whereas Kevin has been using a mix of both Adobe and iMovie for his sections. They both worked together to make sure the editing was the best it could be. Although time efficient, it was obviously two different people editing, which took time to fix. As time consuming as it was, they were able to finish it somewhat easily. It was simple blending and damage control to make the video better. Zane focused more on the intro and the title scenes. This was because he had more editing skill and these were the harder parts to edit. Kevin edited almost everything else and cut the videos together. There were a lot of discarded scenes so Kevin deserves a lot of credit for goi

Finished Filming !!

 Today my group finished filming. Everyone was able to meet and complete the filming process. The last few scenes did not take a lot of time at all. Zane and I did the camera work since Kyle was the main actor. The whole process was really stressful but I’m glad it’s over now. Todays scenes were filmed at school. This is because it was an easy location for the entire group. I was also able to find a place to fit the locations needed for the scenes. It was super simple to find and my group finished within an hour. After the camera work, each member had to look over the shots to get approval. Once finished, Zane sent all the shots to himself. This is because he is the one doing most of the editing. He also sent some shots to Kevin since he will also be doing some editing. They both use Adobe Editing Software so they can easily work together. Kyle and I will have access to the editing to help with any simple changes or issues. As far as a time frame, I don’t know when editing will be fini